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Publicaciones Técnicas 2016


  • Tesis Doctoral- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2016

PhD Thesis Computational and Experimental Modelling of Mooring Line Dynamics for Offshore Floating Wind Turbines José Azcona

  • Publicaciones Técnicas del Departamento de Solar Térmica en Revistas:

García de Jalón, A., Olano, X.,  Pagola, I. Sánchez, M. I+D para la mejora de la operación y mantenimiento en plantas termosolares, Revista Industria Ambiente, abril 2016.

Arancibia-Bulnes, C. A., Peña-Cruz, M. I., Mutuberría, A., Díaz-Uribe, R., & Sánchez-González, M. (2017). A survey of methods for the evaluation of reflective solar concentrator optics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 673-684.

Barberena, J. G., Larrayoz, A. M., Sánchez, M., & Bernardos, A. (2016). State-of-the-art of Heliostat Field Layout Algorithms and their Comparison. Energy Procedia, 93, 31-38.

Frías-Paredes, L., Mallor, F., León, T., & Gastón-Romeo, M. (2016). Introducing the Temporal Distortion Index to perform a bidimensional analysis of renewable energy forecast. Energy, 94, 180-194.

Fernández-Peruchena, C. M., & Gastón, M. (2016). A simple and efficient procedure for increasing the temporal resolution of global horizontal solar irradiance series. Renewable Energy, 86, 375-383.

Peruchena, C. M. F., Ramírez, L., Silva-Pérez, M. A., Lara, V., Bermejo, D., Gastón, M., … & Gonzalez, R. (2016). A statistical characterization of the long-term solar resource: Towards risk assessment for solar power projects. Solar Energy, 123, 29-39.

Peruchena, C. M. F., García-Barberena, J., Guisado, M. V., & Gastón, M. (2016, May). A clustering approach for the analysis of solar energy yields: A case study for concentrating solar thermal power plants. In SOLARPACES 2015: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (Vol. 1734, No. 1, p. 070008). AIP Publishing.

Peruchena, C. M. F., Ramírez, L., Silva, M., Lara, V., Bermejo, D., Gastón, M., … & Gonzalez, R. (2016, May). A methodology for calculating percentile values of annual direct normal solar irradiation series. In SOLARPACES 2015: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (Vol. 1734, No. 1, p. 150005). AIP Publishing.

  • Publicaciones Técnicas del Departamento de Solar Térmica en Congresos:

Sanchez, J.I. Burgaleta Ordoñez, A. Fernandez Garcia, Jesús Fernández, Juan Antonio Gomez, Eckhard Luepfert, Fabienne Sallaberry, Patricia Santamaria, Maria Gema San Vicente Domingo, Florian Sutter, Loreto Valenzuela, Cristobal Villasante, Standards For Components In Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants –Status Of The Spanish Standardization Committee,  Congreso EERA, Birmingham (UK), 2016.

María V. Guisado; F. Zaversky; I. Santana and A. Bernardos, “Solar heat for industrial processes (ship): modeling and optimization of a parabolic trough plant with thermocline thermal storage system to supply medium temperature process heat”, Eurosun 2016, Palma de Mallorca, 11 – 14 October 2016

Perers, S. Furbo, G. Yuan, Z. Tian, F. Bava, F. Sallaberry, P. Kvist, J. Holst Rothmann, T. Neergaard , J. Røhr Jense , P. A. Sørensen, N. From, , A CSP plant combined with biomass CHP using ORC-technology in Brønderslev Denmark,EUROSUN 2016, Palma de Mallorca, 11 – 14 October 2016

Vera, I. Lillo, L. Reina and S. Moreno, “Influence of the input parameters accuracy defined in the standard iso 9459-5 for a domestic water heating thermosiphon”, , Eurosun 2016, Palma de Mallorca, 11 – 14 October 2016

Sallaberry, R. Pujol-Nadal, B. Peres, Optical losses due to tracking on solar thermal collectors, EUROSUN 2016, Palma de Mallorca, 11 – 14 October 2016

Pagola, I. Funcia, M. Sánchez, J. Gil, V. González-Vallejo, M. Bedoya and G. Orellana. “On-line Monitoring of H2 Generation and the HTF Degradation in Parabolic Trough Solar Thermal Power Plants: Development of an Optical Sensor Based on an Innovative Approach”. 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Michael Burisch, Luis Gomez, David Olasolo and Cristobal Villasante, “Heliostat kinematic system calibration using uncalibrated cameras”. 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Cristobal Villasante,David Olasolo, Michael Burisch and Irene Santana, “EASY – Low-cost cable driven heliostat: setup and characterization”. 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Fabienne Sallaberry, Aránzazu Fernández-García, Eckhard Lüpfert, Angel Morales, Gema San Vicente, Florian Sutter. “Towards standardized testing methodologies for optical properties of components in concentrating solar thermal power plants”. 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Fabienne Sallaberry, Loreto Valenzuela, Luis G. Palacin, Javier Leon, Stephan Fischer, Andreas Bohren, “Harmonization of Standards for Parabolic Trough Collector Testing in Solar Thermal Power Plants”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Xabier Olano, Alberto García de Jalón, David Pérez, Fabienne Sallaberry, Javier García Barberena1and Iñigo Olcoz, “Upgrade of Inspection Receiver Tubes System for CSP Plants”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Amaia Mutuberria, Michael Burisch, Iñigo Les, Luis Gomez, “Compensation of tower shadowing for heliostat efficiency matrices”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Martín Gastón1 , Laura Frías-Paredes, Carlos Fernández-Peruchena and Fermín Mallor, “The Temporal Distortion Index (TDI). A new procedure to analyze solar radiation forecasts.”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Martín Gastón , Carlos Fernández-Peruchena, Heiner Körnich and Tomas Landelius, “A combination of HARMONIE short time direct normal irradiance forecasts and machine learning: The #hashtdim procedure” 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Luis G. Palacin, Amaia Mutuberria, Inigo Les, Michael Burisch, Ana Bernardos, Marcelino Sanchez. “Modelling and simulation of complex receivers for CSP technologies based-on ray-tracing software”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Javier Garcia-Barberena, Amaia Mutuberria, Luis G. Palacin, Javier L. Sanz, Daniel Pereira, Ana Bernardos, Marcelino Sanchez and Alberto R. Rocha, “Coupled optical and thermal detailed simulations for the accurate evaluation and performance improvement of Molten Salts Solar Towers”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Javier Garcia-Barberena, Asier Olcoz, Patxi Sorbet, “Advanced Power Cycles and Configurations for Solar Towers: Modeling and optimization of the Decoupled Solar Combined Cycle concept”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Garcia-Barberena, Stochastic Simulations of a CSP Plant Using Plausible Meteorological Years, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Carlos M. Fernández-Peruchena, Martin Gastón, Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt, Isabel Martínez Marco, José Antonio García-Moya, José L. Casado-Rubio, “Increasing the temporal resolution of direct normal solar irradiance forecasted series”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Carlos M. Fernández Peruchena, Vicente Lara, Lourdes Ramírez, Manuel Silva, Diego Bermejo, Manuel Pavon, Jesús Pulgar, Martín Gastón, Sara Moreno, Ana Bernardos, Luis F. Zarzalejo, Rita X. Valenzuela, Sergio Macías, “methodology for probabilistic assessment of solar thermal power plants yield”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Fritz Zaversky, Leticia Aldaz, Marcelino Sánchez, Antonio L. Ávila-Marín, M. Isabel Roldán, Jesús Fernández-Reche, Alexander Füssel, Wieland Beckerl, Jörg Adler, “Ceramic foam absorber modeling and optimization – Model benchmarking and validation against experimental data”, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Olcoz, J. López, Modeling and optimization of the Decoupled Solar Combined Cycle Concept, 22nd SolarPACES Conference, 11 – 14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Garcia-Barberena, L. Gomez, Amaia MutuberriaM Analysis of the incidence angle effect in the absortivity of solar tower external tube receiver coating, AMREN(Advanced Materials and Technologies for renewable energies (AMREN-2, Eurosunmed Symposium), 5 de Mayo de 2016

Gómez, A. Mutuberria, I. Les, M. Burisch, A. Bernardos, M.Sánchez, Tonatiuh, un trazador d rayos basado en simulación de Monter Carlo y con licencia GPL GNU, XXXVII Jornadas de Automática (7 al 9 de septiembre, Madrid.

Pagola, M. Sánchez, I. Funcia, J. Gil, V. González de Vallejo, M. Bedoya, G. Orellana, J. Arraiza, M. Sojo, Desarrollo de un Sensor de Hidrógeno “on-line” para Centrales Eléctricas Termosolares (SeHiCET), GENERA 2016, Madrid (España)

Zaversky, Competitive solar power towers, GENERA 2016, Madrid (España)