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Presentaciones técnicas en conferencias

  • Casajús, l., IMuñoz, i., A.R. Lagunas. A. (2016). Preliminary Results after Evaluating Solar Trackers Based on IEC 62817:2014 Ed.1. 12th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems. Freiburg, Germany (2016)
  • Bengoechea, J., Ezquer, M., Díaz, J., y Ana Rosa Lagunas. A.R. Study of the Potential-Induced Degradation kinetics. International Reliability Physics Symposium, 2016
  • García Barberena, Erdocia Zabala, I. Simulation and comparison of different operational strategies for storage utilization in concentrated solar power plants: a case study for a parabolic trough plant. SolarPACES 2015, Ciudad del Cabo (Sudafrica) 2015
  • García-Barberena, Nora Ubani. N. Adjustment and validation of a simulation tool for CSP plants based on parabolic trough technology STAGE WP11 POSTER SolarPACES 2015 Ciudad del Cabo (Sudafrica) 2015
  • Villasante, C., Olasolo, D., Burisch, M. Experimental Analysis of a Cable-Driven Heliostat , STAGE WP 12 POSTER SolarPACES 2015 Ciudad del Cabo (Sudafrica) 2015
  • Alegría, I.; Garcia, L.; Ortigosa, I; Del Campo, I. Sánchez, D.; Munarriz, M.; Iruretagoyena, J Development of a Biorefinery Concept design for the Navarra Region National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER) – Biomass Department 23th European Biomass Conference. 2015. Viena.
  • Sanchez, D.., Barberena, G., Ragaglini, G., Tozzini, C., Villarin, R., ,Shield, I., Yates, N., Del campo, I. Progress in annual and perennial herbaceous energy crops harvesting and handling: preliminary results on fibre sorghum and miscanthus experiences within the eu logistec project 23th European Biomass Conference. 2015. Vienna.
  • Del Campo, I.; Sánchez, D.Biotrade2020plus project: supporting a sustainable european bioenergy trade strategy. National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER) – Biomass Department 23th European Biomass Conference. 2015. Vienna.
  • Zugasti, E., Armentia, J., Murillo, M., Ezquer, M., Rodriguez, M.J., A. R. Lagunas. A. R. Passivation properties of pedot: pss layers spray-deposited on crystalline silicon wafers. 30th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. Hamburg, 2015.
  • L. Casajús, I. Sánchez, I. Muñoz, M. Ezquer, A. R. Lagunas “A new methodology for evaluating solar trackers based on IEC 62817:2014 Ed.1” 30th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. Hamburg, 2015
  • Müller, K., Sandner, F., Bredmose, H., Azcona, J., Manjock, A., & Pereira, R. (2014). Improved tank test procedures for scaled floating offshore wind turbines. International Wind Engineering Conference IWEC 2014.
  • Llorente, E., Gorostidi, A., Jacobs, M., Timmer, W. A., Munduate, X., & Pires, O. (2014). Wind Tunnel Tests of Wind Turbine Airfoils at High Reynolds Numbers. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 524, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.
  • Amezqueta, C. CENER activities within the SP Structural design & materials. 2014 IRPWind / EERA JPWind Conference.
  • Carrion, M., Steijl, R., Barakos, G. N., Gomez-Iradi, S., & Munduate, X. (2014). Coupled CFD/CSD method for wind turbines. Proceedings of WCCM XI/ECCM V/ECFD VI.
  • Méndez, B., Munduate, X., & San Miguel, U. (2014). Airfoil family design for large offshore wind turbine blades. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 524, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.
  • Robertson, A., Jonkman, J., Vorpahl, F., Popko, W., Qvist, J., Frøyd, L., Azcona, J… & Luan, C. (2014, June). Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation within IEA wind task 30: phase II results regarding a floating semisubmersible wind system. In ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (pp. V09BT09A012-V09BT09A012). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Riveros-Rosas D., Monreal A., Pagola I., Sanchez M. Análisis del costo de energía final de hornos solares para aplicaciones industriales en sitios específicos, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Riveros-Rosas D., Arancibia-Bulnes C.A., Sanchez M., Ramirez F.J. Análisis de distancias focales de heliostatos para modelación de sistemas de torre central, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • A. Mutuberria , J. Pascual, M. V. Guisado, F. Mallor, Comparison of heliostat field layout design methodologies and impact on power plant efficiency, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Villasante C., Olabarrieta E., Burisch M., Santana I., «Correlación teórico-experimental de cargas de viento en heliostatos de dimensiones reducidas», ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro.
  • Sallaberry F., Sanchez M., Fernández-Reche J., Gomez J.A., Martin C., Santamaría P., Terradillos J., Ubach J. , Resumen de las actividades de desarrollo de normas españolas para la energía solar de concentración, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Pagola I., Peruchena C.F., Gastón M., Bernardos A. Estimación de la radiación solar en América del Sur a partir de imágenes del satélite GOES y de modelos numéricos de predicción meteorológica. ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Vera, J., Sallaberry, F. Comparative analysis of domestic water heating thermosiphon systems tested according to the standard ISO 9549-2, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Sallaberry, F., Alberti, F., Torres, J.L. Crema, L. Characterizacion of a medium temperatura concentrator for process heat – tracking error estimation, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Sallaberry, F., Pujol, R., García de Jalón, A. Direct tracking error estimation on a 1-axis solar tracker, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Zaversky, F., Sallaberry, F., Vázquez, A., Morris, D., Mazo, MA., Tamayo, A., Casasola Ríos, R., Rodríguez Cortés, JA. Innovative and advanced materials research for high temperature solar receivers, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Montecchi , M., Delord, C., Raccurt, O., Disdier, A., Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A. Fernández -García, S. Meyen, Happich, C., Heimsath, A., Platzer, W. Hemispherical Reflectance Results of the SolarPACES Reflectance Round Robin, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A., Zaversky, F., Velzquez, A., López Delgado, A., Rubio, J., Tamayo, A. Towards standard testing materials for high temperature solar receivers , 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • García, L., Burisch, M., Sanchez, M.«Spillage estimation in a heliostats field for solar field optimization», 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Peña-Cruz , M.I, Sallaberry, F., Arancibia-Bulnes, C. A., Gaston, M.and Sánchez González, M The FOCuS tool – An optical qualification tool developed for solar reflectors- A sensitivity analysis, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Burisch, M., Santana, I., Sanchez, M., Villasante, C., Olabarrieta, E. Experimental Validation of Theoretical Heliostat Wind Loads, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Samanes, J., García-Barberena, J., Zaversky, F.. Modeling Solar Cavity Receivers: a Review and Comparison of Natural Convection Heat Loss Correlations, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Garcia de Jalon, A., Benito, P., Perez, D. Inspection Receiver Tubes Device for CSP plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China).
  • Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A. Generating 1-minute Temporal Resolution Solar Direct Normal Irradiance Series from Hourly Series, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., Guisado, M.V. Assessing the Solar Irradiance Variability and its Impact in Solar Energy Production, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A. , Pagola, I. y col. Estimating Solar Radiation in South America from Satellite Images, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Hernandez, I., Zaversky, F., Astrain, D. Object-oriented modeling of molten-salt-based thermocline thermal energy storage for the transient performance simulation of solar thermal power plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Burisch, M., Santana, I., Sanchez, M., Villasante, C., Olabarrieta, E. –Experimental Validation of Theoretical Heliostat Wind Loads, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Fernández Boneta, M., M. Díaz Reogodón, I. Proyectos para realizar la transición de edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo en Europa. Comunicación Proyecto ENTRANZE, 2014. • II Congreso EECN (Madrid, 6-7 mayo 2014)
  • Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., Pagola I. y col. Estimating Solar Radiation in South America from Satellite Images, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., Guisado, M.V. Assessing the Solar Irradiance Variability and its Impact in Solar Energy Production, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., y col. Generating 1-minute Temporal Resolution Solar Direct Normal Irradiance Series from Hourly Series, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Garcia de Jalon, A., Pablo Benito, David Perez. Inspection Receiver Tubes Device for CSP plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China).
  • García, L., Michael Burisch, Marcelino Sanchez – Spillage estimation in a heliostats field for solar field optimization, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Hernandez, I., Zaversky,F., Astrain, D. Object-oriented modeling of molten-salt-based thermocline thermal energy storage for the transient performance simulation of solar thermal power plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Kranzla, L. Bogdan Atanasiub, Fernández Boneta, M., Veit Bürgerd, Tanja Kenkmannd, A., Müllera, Agne Toleikytea, L. Paglianoe, M. Pietrobone, R. Armani. NZEB Renovation in the Building Stock: Policies, Impact and Economics. WSED, Wels (28 de febrero 2014)
  • M. Montecchi , C. Delord, O. Raccurt, A. Disdier, F. Sallaberry, A. García. de Jalón, A. Fernández -García, S. Meyen, C. Happich, A. Heimsath, W. Platzer, Hemispherical Reflectance Results of the SolarPACES Reflectance Round Robin, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Mentesidi and Monica Aguado. Dynamic behavior analysis of distributed generation in an off-grid network with power system simulator for engineering (PSS/E). IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2014: Cavtat, Croatia, May, 2014
  • Mentesidi, Evangelos Rikos, Vasilis Kleftakis, Panos Kotsampopoulos, Mikel Santamaria, Monica Aguado. Implementation of a Microgrid model for DER Integration in Real time Simulation Platform Contribution: Oral Presentation. 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2014). IEEE Xplore. Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2014
  • Mentesidi, Monica Aguado, Fatima Zahra Harmousch, and Khalid Loudiyi.Title: A PV and CSP integration study experience in a Mediterranean Partner Country 4th Solar Integration Workshop. Berlin, Germany. November, 2014
  • Mutuberria , J. Pascual, M. V. Guisado, F. Mallor, Comparison of heliostat field layout design methodologies and impact on power plant efficiency, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Pagola I., Peruchena C.F., Gastón M., Bernardos A. Estimación de la radiación solar en América del Sur a partir de imágenes del satélite GOES y de modelos numéricos de predicción meteorológica, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Peña-Cruz , M.I., Fabienne Sallaberry, Camilo A. Arancibia-Bulnes, Martin Gaston and Marcelino Sánchez González, The FOCuS tool – An optical qualification tool developed for solar reflectors- A sensitivity analysis, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Riveros-Rosas D., Arancibia-Bulnes C.A., Sanchez M., Ramirez F.J. Análisis de distancias focales de heliostatos para modelación de sistemas de torre central, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Riveros-Rosas D., Monreal A., Pagola I., Sanchez M. Análisis del costo de energía final de hornos solares para aplicaciones industriales en sitios específicos, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Sallaberry F., Sanchez M., Fernández-Reche J., Gomez J.A., Martin C., Santamaría P., Terradillos J., Ubach J. , Resumen de las actividades de desarrollo de normas españolas para la energía solar de concentración, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
  • Sallaberry, F., Alberti, F., Luis Torres, J.L., Crema, L. Characterizacion of a medium temperatura concentrator for process heat – tracking error estimation, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Sallaberry, F., Pujol, R., García de Jalón, A. Direct tracking error estimation on a 1-axis solar tracker, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Sallaberry, F., Alberto García de Jalón, Fritz Zaversky, Velzquez, A.J., López Delgado, A., Rubio, J., Tamayo, A. Towards standard testing materials for high temperature solar receivers, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Samanes, J., García-Barberena, J. Zaversky, F. Modeling Solar Cavity Receivers: a Review and Comparison of Natural Convection Heat Loss Correlations, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
  • Vera, J., Lillo, I., Fabienne Sallaberry, F. Comparative analysis of domestic water heating thermosiphon systems tested according to the standard ISO 9549-2, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Villasante C., Olabarrieta E., Burisch M., Santana I., Correlación teórico-experimental de cargas de viento en heliostatos de dimensiones reducidas, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (mexica).
  • Zaversky, F., Sallaberry, F., Vázquez, A., Morris, D., M. Mazo,A., Tamayo, A., Casasola Ríos, R., Rodríguez Cortés, J.A., Innovative and advanced materials research for high temperature solar receivers, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
  • Borbón Guillén, Fernando, Javier Sanz Rodrigo, Daniel Cabezón Martínez et al. “ Assessing Correction Methodologies for LIDAR Measurements at Complex Terrain Conditions: Alaiz Test Site Case”. In: EWEA Annual Conference & Exhibition , Vienna, February 4-7, 2013.
  • Correia P, Lozano S, Chavez R, Loureiro Y, Cantero E, Benito P, Sanz RodrigoJ. “Wind Characterization at the Alaiz – Las Balsas Experimental Wind Farm using high-resolution simulations with mesoscale models. Development of a “low cost” methodology that address promoters needs”. EWEA-13 proceedings .
  • David C. Miller, Jaione Bengoechea, Jayesh G. Bokria, et al., «Examination of an optical transmittance test for photovoltaic encapsulation materials», Proceedings of SPIE Vol . 8825, 882509 (2013) .
  • Ezquer M., Moracho J., Cuadra J.M., Cueli A.B., Díaz J, Lagunas, A.R., “Characterization Defects Detected on c-Si PV Modules After Certain Period of Field Exposure” 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition pp 3269 – 3274
  • Sanz Rodrigo J , Frias L, Stoffels N, von Bremen L. “Wind power predictability assessment from large to local scale. EWEA-13 proceedings” , Vienna, February 2013.
  • S. Bonk, E. Mateu, H. Drück, A.García de Jalón, «Implementation of the Requirements for Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems Resulting from the EU Energy Labelling Directive in Test Procedures acc. to EN 12976-2»,  EUROSUN 2012 Congress, September 18 to 20, 2012,  Rijeka and Opatija (Croatia).
  • J. Vera, I. Lillo Bravo, J. Olmo Fernández, F. Sallaberry, «Influence analysis of the characteristics coefficients of solar domestic water systems tested according to the standard  ISO 9459-2 regarding its long term prediction», EUROSUN 2012 Congress, September 18 to 20, 2012,  Rijeka and Opatija (Croatia).
  • E. Mateu, M. Sánchez, F. Sallaberry, D. Pérez, «Statistical analysis of optical properties for parabolic trough receivers», SolarPACES 2012 Congress, September 11 to 14, 2012, Marrakech (Morocco).
  • C. Fernández, A. Monreal, M. V. Guisado, «A Global-to-Beam Model on Minutely Basis», SolarPACES 2012 Congress, September 11 to 14, 2012, Marrakech (Morocco)
  • F. Zaversky, R. Medina, J. García-Barberena, M. Sánchez, «Part Load Behaviour of Oil-To-Molten-Salt Heat Exchanger Configurations for Active Indirect Storage Systems in CSP Applications», SolarPACES 2012 Congress, September 11 to 14, 2012, Marrakech (Morocco).
  • M. Eck, T. Hirsch, C. K. Ho, J. García-Barberena, «Developing Guidelines for the Yield Analysis of solar Thermal Power Plants – Current Status of the SolarPACES Project guiSmo», SolarPACES 2012 Congress, September 11 to 14, 2012, Marrakech (Morocco).
  • M. Gastón, I. Pagola, M. Blanco, «A New Approach for Creating Solar Radiation Maps Combining Numerical Weather Prediction Models, Ground Measurement and Satellite Images Using Learning Machines, SolarPACES 2012 Congress, September 11 to 14, 2012, Marrakech (Morocco).
  • M. Blanco, M. Sánchez, J. García-Barberena, A. Monreal, «The Potential for Cost Reduction of Solar Towers with Decoupled Combined Cycles», SolarPACES 2012 Congress, September 11 to 14, 2012, Marrakech (Morocco).
  • Cabezón Martínez D. “ Energy yield estimation for offshore wind farms clusters”. In: EERA-DTOC Workshop within the EWEA Annual Conference & Exhibition , Copenhagen, 16-19, 2012 .
  • Chávez Arroyo, Roberto, Oliver Probst and Sergio Lozano Galiana. “ Mesoscale Modelling of the Wind Resource at a Complex Coastal Site”. In: EWEA Annual Conference & Exhibition , Copenhagen, April 16-19, 2012.
  • Gil J., Lemus F.J. and Echeverría I. “Biomass torrefaction: product and process development at Cener”. Bioenergy from forest conference , 27-29 August 2012, Jyväskylä-Finland.
  • Goñi, I.; Gil, J.; Echeverria, I. “New 2MW Gasification Pilot Plant AT CB2G”. 20th European biomass conference and exhibition , 18-22 June 2012, Milan-Italy.
  • Goñi; J. Gil; I. Echeverría. “New 2 mw gasification pilot plant at cb2g”. Bioenergy from forest conference , 27-29 August 2012, Jyväskylä-Finland.
  • González Salcedo, Álvaro and Xabier Munduate Echarri. Aeroelastic code for aerofoils with variable geometry, In: EAWE. Seminar Proceedings of the 8 th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe , Zurich, September 12-14, 2012 . Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 2012.
  • Hasager Charlotte, Peter Hauge Madsen, Pierre-Elouan Réthoré et al. EERA-DTOC: European Energy Research Alliance. Design tools for offshore clusters. In: TORQUE 2012: Fourth Conference on the Science of Making Torque from Wind , Oldenburg 9-11 October 2012.
  • Knuuttila K, Barberena G, Sánchez D., Ylimartimo A, Echeverría, I., Malinen H., Ketikidis, C., Krissakova, I., Hryniewicz M., Joint action plan for biomass in bioclus regions .
  • Lemus, F.J.; Gil, J.; I. Echeverria. “Torrefied biomass pellets as coal substitute in power plants”. 20th european biomass conference and exhibition , 18-22 June 2012, Milan-Italy.
  • Sanz Rodrigo J. “Flux-profile characterization of the offshore ABL for the parameterization of CFD models”. EWEA Offshore 2012 proceedings , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2011
  • Sanz Rodrigo J, Borbón Guillén F, Gómez P, Courtney MS, Wagner R, Dupont E (2012) “ Multi-Site Testing and Evaluation of Remote Sensing Instruments for Wind Resource Assessment” . EWEA-12 proceedings , Copenhagen, April 2012
  • Sanz Rodrigo, Javier, Fernando Borbón Guillén, Paula Gómez Arranz et al. “ Multisite testing and evaluation of remote sensing instruments for wind resource assessment” . In: EWEA Annual Conference & Exhibition , Copenhagen, April 16-19, 2012 .
  • Stathopoulos Christos, N. Barranger, X.G. Larsen et al. “ Implementation of spectrum analysis in mesoscale modelling for wind energy assessment studies”. In: 12th EMS Annual Meeting and 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), Lòdz, Poland, September 9-14, 2012 . In: EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 9 2012 . To be published in: Research – peer-review › Conference abstract in proceedings – Annual report year: 2013
  • Stathopoulos, Christos, Javier Sanz Rodrigo, Jake Badger et al. “ Evaluation of the numerical wind Atlas downscaling methodology in complex terrain”. In: EWEA Annual Conference & Exhibition , Copenhagen, April 16-19, 2012
  • Vilma T, Kilpeläinen T, Rontu L, Anderson P, Orr A, Phillips T, Finkele K, Sanz RodrigoJ , Holtslag AAM, Svensson G (2012) “Towards the Fourth GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model Inter-Comparison Study (GABLS4): Exploration of Very Stable Conditions Over an Antarctic Ice-Shelf”. 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence / 18th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction , Boston, USA, July 2012.
  • Sallaberry, F., Garcia de Jalón, A., Olano, X., Mateu, E., Erice, R., Ramirez, L. Bi-axial incidence angle modifier using quasi-dynamic test for asymmetrical solar collector using dummy variables. 5th European Solar Thermal Energy Conference (ESTEC) Marsella (Francia), 2011.
  • Mateu, E., Sanchez, M., Perez, D., Garcia de Jalón, A., Forcada, S., Salinas, I., Heras, C. Optical characterization test bench for parabolic trough receivers. SolarPACES 2011 – International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems Granada (España), 2011.
  • Mehnert, S., Kramer, K., Kovacs, P., Dias, P., Fischer, S., Mateu, E., Navarro, P., Helminger, F. SWC – Towards a new global standard for solar thermal collectors. ISES Solar World Congress 2011Kassel, (Alemania), 2011.
  • Sanchez, M., Sallaberry, F., Burgaleta, J.I., Arauzo Albarracin, S., León, J., Zarza, E., Crespo, L., García Iglesias, E., Martín, C. Overview of Activities Related to the Development of Spanish Standards for Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants. SolarPACES 2011 Granada (España), 2011.
  • Blanco, M., Mutuberria, A., Monreal, A., Albert, R. Results of the empirical validation of Tonatiuh at Mini-Pegase CNRS – PROMES facility. SolarPACES 2011 Granada (España), 2011.
  • Ramírez, L., Bernardos, A., Moreno, S., Polo, J., Zarzalejo, Luis F., Salbidegoitía, I., González, J., Alejandro Rodriguez, Bolinaga, B., Lucía Serrano, L., Marco Cony, Redondo, C., Adán, F., Lara, V., Ruiz., J.A «Towards the Standardization of the Data Solar Radiation Generation for CSP Plants Simulation». SolarPACES 2011 Granada (España) , 2011.
  • Fernández-Peruchena, C.M., Gastón, M., Pagola, I., Guisado, M.V., Bernardos, A., Ramírez, L. «Validation of CENER solar radiation database». SolarPACES 2011Granada (España) 2011.
  • Pagola, I., Nicuesa, X., Bernardos, A., Guisado, M.V., Bernad, I., Suri, M., Caltik, M., Skuhra, M., Ramirez, L. «A New Tool for Monitoring Solar Radiation Weather Station Using Information From Satellite Images and Free Data Sources». SolarPACES 2011 Granada (España) 2011.
  • Sallaberry, F., Olano, X., García de Jalón, A., Mateu, E., Aztiz, R., Ezcurra, M. y Ramírez, L. «Comparsion of termal efficiency curves of solar collector tested in outdoor conditions». ISES Solar World Congress, Kassel (Alemania), 2011.
  • Vera, J., Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A., Córdoba, J., San Miguel, V., Ramirez, L.» Comparison testing of a solar system with CSTG and DST methodologies». ISES Solar World Congress Kassel, (Alemania) 2011.
  • Gastón Romeo, M., Ramírez, L., Fernandes, P.M., Lozano, S., Nicuesa, X., Pagola, I. «A system of direct radiation forecasting based on numerical weather predictions satellite image and machine learning». ISES Solar World Congress Kassel, (Alemania) 2011.
  • Gastón Romeo, M., Ramírez, L., Fernandes,P.M., Lozano, S., Nicuesa, X., Pagola, I. «A system of direct radiation forecasting based on numerical weather predictions satellite image and machine learning». ISF International Symposium on Forecasting, Prague 2011.
  • Pagola, I.; Bernardos, A.; Guisado, M.V.; Bernad, I.; Nicuesa, X.; Suri, M.; Caltik, M.; Skurha, M.; Ramírez, L.» A new tool for monitoring solar radiation weather station using information from satellite images and free data sources». ISES Solar World Congress 2011 Kassel, (Alemania), 2011.
  • Blanco M., Mutuberria A., Monreal A., Albert R. «Results of the empirical validation of Tonatiuh at Mini-Pegase CNRS – PROMES facility». SolarPACES 2011 Granada (España), 2011.
  • Bengoechea, J., Ezquer, M., Petrina, I., Lagunas, A.R.» Experimental set-up to evaluate the degradataion of the optical components of a CPV module». 7th International Conference on Concentrating PV Systems, 2011.
  • Díaz, J., A.R. Lagunas, A.R., Cueli, A.B., Moracho, J., Cuadra, J.M., Petrina, I. «Cener results on design qualifiacation testing of PV modules». 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg, 2011.
  • Bengoechea, J., Ezquer, M., Petrina, I., Lagunas, A.R. » Experimental set-up to evaluate the degradataion of the optical components of a CPV module». 7th International Conference on Concentrating PV Systems, 2011.
  • Domínguez, S., García, O., Ezquer, M., Rodríguez, M.J., Lagunas, A.R., Pérez-Conde, J., Bravo, J. «Optimization of 1D photonic crystals to minimize the reflectance of silicon solar cells». Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and applications .2011
  • Cabezón, D., Sumner J., García B., Sanz Rodrigo J., Masson CRANS simulations of wind flow at the Bolund experiment». EWEC 2011 scientific proceedings, Brussels, Belgium, March 2011.
  • Azcona Armendáriz, J., Munduate Echarri, X., Merino Hoyos, D., Tor Anders Nygaard. «Dynamic Simulation of Mooring Lines for FloatingWind Turbines». EAWE Delf PhD Seminar, 2011.
  • Lahuerta, F., Saenz, E.» Life cycle assessment of the wind turbines installed in Spain until 2008″. EWEA 2011.
  • Aviá, F. «International statistical analysis on wind turbine failures». 65nd IEA Topical Expert Meeting. March 30-31, 2011.
  • Aviá , F. «Offshore foundation technology and knowledge, for shallow, middle and deep water». 66nd IEA Topical Expert Meeting September 20-21, 2011.
  • Aviá, F. «Long term R&D needs on wind power«. 67nd IEA Topical Expert Meeting 5th October, 2011.
  • Gil, J., Echeverría, I. «New pilot plant for biomass torrefaction». European Pellet Conference, Wels Austria, 2011.
  • Del Campo, I., Echeverría, I., Barado Pardo, I., Berlanga Labari, C., Fernandez , J., Carrasquilla.»Estudio de compatibilidad de materiales plásticos con mezclas de bioetanol con gasolina» XVII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería de Materiales. Gijón 2011.
  • Gómez-Iradi S.,  Barakos G. N. and Munduate X. «A CFD Investigation of the Near-Blade 3D Flow for a Complete Wind Turbine Configuration». EWEC 2010, Warsaw ( Poland).
  • Gomez-Iradi, S. «Uso de Simulación Numérica en Diseño de Aerogeneradores» CESGA HPCN Workshop, 2010,  Santiago de Compostela.
  • Gomez-Iradi S.,  Munduate X. «A CFD Investigation of the Influence of the Trip-Tape on the MEXICO Wind Turbine Blade Sections». The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2010, Heraclion ( Greece).
  • Blanco M., Mutuberria A., Martinez D. «Experimental validation of Tonatiuh using the Plataforma Solar de Almería secondary concentrator test campaign data». SolarPACES 2010, September 21-24, 2010.
  • Fernández-Peruchena C., Ramírez L., Blanco M., Bernardos A. «Variability in global and direct irradiation series generation: scope and limitations«. SolarPACES 2010, September 21-24, 2010.
  • Fernández-Peruchena C., Blanco M., Ramírez L., Bernardos A. «Synthetic generation of monthly irradiation series from long term values of monthly KT«. SolarPACES 2010, September 21-24, 2010.
  • Pagola I., Salbidegoitia I., Ramírez L., Blanco M. «Comparison of measured and estimated linke turbidity factors in Spain«. SolarPACES 2010, September 21-24, 2010.
  • Garcia P., Sánchez M., Blanco M., Valenzuela L., «Validation of a dynamic model for direct steam generation in parabolic troughs using data from the diss installation». SolarPACES 2010, September 21-24, 2010.
  • DeGroat, K., Nielsen, J.E., Nelson, L., Drück, H., Mateu, E. «IEA-SHC Programme TASK 43: Research on solar collector and system testing and certification» EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings, Graz (Austria), 2010.
  • Sanchez, M., Mateu, E., Perez, D., García, P., Villuendas, F., Heras, C., Alon, R. «Optical and thermal characterization of solar receivers for parabolic trough collectors». CIMTEC 2010: 5th Forum on new materials – Advances in Science and Technology Suiza 2010.
  • Sallaberry, F., Garcia de Jalón, A., Olano, X., Ramirez, L.. «Comparison of solar collector thermal efficiency curves from diferent testing method», EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Gastón, M., Pagola, I., Ramirez, L. «Unsupervised classification of solar radiation daily data». EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Sanchez, M., Mateu, E., Perez, D., Alonso, R., Heras, C. «Optical and thermal characterizaction of solar receivers for parabolic trough collector». EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Sallaberry, F., Vera, J., Garcia de Jalón, A., Gaston, M., Ramirez, L. «Simulation of low solar radiation testing days during thermal performance tests of factory-made solar systems». EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Fernández-Peruchena, C., Gastón, M., Guisado, M.V., Bernardos, A., Pagola, I., Ramirez. L. «Solar radiation estimation and prediction using measured and predicted aerosol optical depth». EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Guisado, M.V., Fernandez, C., Benito,P., Ramírez, L. «Radiation measurement quality control and time correction at meteorological station». EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Kovacs, P., Dias, P., Fischer, S., Mateu, E., Mehnert, S. «Joint European efforts on solar thermal collector standardization and certification«. EuroSun 2010, International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings Graz (Austria) 2010.
  • Pagola, I., Gastón, M., Ramirez, L. «Comparación de datos de radiación solar procedentes de bases de datos de acceso libre en emplazamientos concretos». CIES Vigo (España), 2010.
  • Blanco M., Mutuberria A., Martinez D. «Experimental validation of Tonatiuh using the Plataforma Solar de Almería secondary concentrator test campaign data». SolarPACES 2010 Perpigna (France), 2010.
  • Fernández-Peruchena C., Ramírez L., Blanco M., Bernardos A. «Variability in global and direct irradiation series generation: scope and limitations». SolarPACES 2010 Perpigna ( France), 2010.
  • Fernández-Peruchena C., Blanco M., Ramírez L., Bernardos A. «Synthetic generation of monthly irradiation series from long term values of monthly KT «. SolarPACES 2010 Perpigna (France), 2010.
  • Pagola I., Salbidegoitia I., Ramírez L., Blanco M., «Comparison of measured and estimated linke turbidity factors in Spain«. SolarPACES 2010 Perpigna (France), 2010.
  • Garcia P., Sánchez M., Blanco M., Valenzuela L. «Validation of a dynamic model for direct steam generation in parabolic troughs using data from the diss installation». SolarPACES 2010 Perpigna ( France), 2010.
  • Fernández-Peruchena, C. M., Moreno, S., Ramírez, L., Gastón, M. «One minute KT probability density distributions conditioned to the optical air mass and hourly KT». SolarPACES 2010 Perpigna ( France), 2010.
  • Sanchez, M., Mateu, E., Perez, D., Villuendas, F., Alonso, R., Heras, C. «Optical and thermal characterization of solar receivers for parabolic trough collectors». SolarPACES 2010, Perpigna (France), 2010.
  • Domínguez, S., Bravo, J., García, O., Ezquer, M., Rodríguez, M.J, Lagunas, A.R.»ID photonic crystial for solar cell applications», Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica (CEN201), Segovia, 2010.
  • Cabezón D., Hansen K., Barthelmie, R.J., «Analysis and validation of CFD wind farm models in complex terrain». Effects induced by topography and wind turbines, EWEC 2010 scientific proceedings, Warsaw, Poland, April 2010.
  • Sanz J., García B., Cabezón D., Lozano S., Martí I. «Downscaling mesoscale simulations with CFD for high resolution regional wind mapping», EWEC 2010 technical track proceedings, Warsaw, Poland, April 2010.
  • Prospathopoulos, J., Politis, E.P., Chaviaropoulos, P.K., Rados, K.G. Rados, Schepers, G.S. Cabezon-Martinez, D., Hansen, K.S. and Barthelmie, R.J. «CFD modelling of wind farms in complex terrain». European Wind Energy Conference, Warsaw, April 2010.
  • Cabezón, D., Hansen, K. and Barthelmie, R.J. 2010: «Linearity analysis of wake effects induced by complex terrain and wind turbines through CFD wind farm models». Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Lisbon, June 2010.
  • Prospathopoulos, J., Cabezón, D., Politis, E.P., Chaviaropoulos, P.K., Rados, K.G., Schepers, G.S., Hansen, K.S. and Barthelmie. «Simulation of wind farms in flat and complex terrain using CFD», The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Crete, June 2010.
  • Barthelmie, R.J., Frandsen, S.T., Hansen, K., Politis, E., Cabezón, D., Schepers, J.G., Rados, K.and Schlez, W. «Power losses due to wind turbine wakes in large wind farms offshore and in complex terrain». World Renewable Energy Congress, Abu Dhabi, September 2010.
  • González, A., Munduate, X. «Validation of Dystool for 2D airfoil unstady aerodynamic modeling». The Science of Making Torque from Wind, 2010.
  • Celaya, J, Goni, I., Gil, J., Echeverría, I. «New pilot plant for biomass torrefaction» Proceedings at the 18th European biomass Conference & Exhibition . Lyon, 2010
  • Díaz Regodón, I., Manteca, F., Sampedro M., Palacín, F. «CE3X method for the Certification of energy performance for existing buildings in Spain». Congreso: 3rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment . Conference proceedings, S18: Advanced systems and techniques for low energy buildings , 2010.
  • Gomez-Iradi S.,  Barakos G. N.,  Munduate X.»A CFD investigation of the near-blade local flow angle». 5th European Academy of Wind Energy, PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. EAWE, Durham (UK) 2009.
  • Pagola, I.; Gastón, M.; Ramirez, L.: “Comparison of several global-to-beam irradiance models in Spain”. IEA-SHC Task 36 “Solar Resource Knowledge Management” 6th Experts Meeting, Baeza, Spain, 17-19 March 2009.
  • Blanco M., Mutuberria A., Garcia P., Gastesi R., Martin V. «Preliminary validation of Tonatiuh«, Symposium SolarPACES 2009, September 15-18, 2009.
  • Sánchez M., Pérez I., Mutuberria A., Blanco M., Villasantes C., Gutiérrez A. «Characterization of solar collector for electricity production by software enhanced lasertracking techniques«. Symposium SolarPACES 2009, September 15-18, 2009.
  • Gastesi R., Bernad, I. Olano, X. Ramírez L., Blanco M., «The radiometric station of CENER (Pamplona, Spain). BSRN Station«, Symposium SolarPACES 2009, September 15-18, 2009.
  • García-Barberena J., Garcia P., Sánchez M., Blanco M., Lasheras C., Padrós A., Arraiza J. «Analysis of the influence of operational strategies in plant performance using SIMUCET, a simulation software for parabolic trough power plants», Symposium SolarPACES 2009, September 15-18, 20
  • Garcia P., Mutuberria A., García-Barberena J., Sánchez M., Blanco M., Lasheras C., Padrós A., Arraiza J. «Validation of DINACET computational scheme using Nevada solar one power plant data«, Symposium SolarPACES 2009, September 15-18, 2009.
  • Gastón M., Lorenz E., Lozano S., Heienmann D., Blanco M., Ramírez L., «Comparison of global irradiance forecasting approaches«. Symposium SolarPACES 2009, September 15-18, 2009.
  • Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A., Ramirez, L., Olano, X., Bernad, I., Erice, R.» Influencia de la distribución espectral de un simulador solar y de la radiación difusa exterior en la estimación del rendimiento óptico de un captador solar térmico». CIES Vigo (España), 2009.
  • Lorenz, E., Remund, J., Müller, S.C., Traunmüller,W., Steinmaurer,G., Pozo, E., LaraFanego, V., Ramirez, L., Gaston Romeo, M., Kurz, C., Martin Pomares, L., Geijo Guerrero, C. «Benchmarking of different approaches to forecast solar irradiance». PVSEC Hamburgo (Alemania), 2009.
  • Blanco M., Mutuberria A., Garcia P., Gastesi R., Martin V. «Preliminary validation of Tonatiuh». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania), 2009.
  • Sánchez M., Pérez I., Mutuberria A., Blanco M., Villasantes C., Gutiérrez A. «Characterization of solar collector for electricity production by software enhanced lasertracking techniques». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania), 2009.
  • Gastesi R., Bernad, I. Olano, X. Ramírez L., Blanco M. «The radiometric station of CENER» (Pamplona, Spain). BSRN Station. SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania) 2009.
  • García-Barberena J., Garcia P., Sánchez M., Blanco M., Lasheras C., Padrós A., Arraiza J. «Analysis of the influence of operational strategies in plant performance using SIMUCET, a simulation software for parabolic trough power plant». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania) 2009.
  • Garcia P., Mutuberria A., García-Barberena J., Sánchez M., Blanco M., Lasheras C., Padrós A., Arraiza J. «Validation of DINACET computational scheme using Nevada solar one power plant data». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania), 2009.
  • Gastón M., Lorenz E., Lozano S., Heienmann D., Blanco M., Ramírez L. Comparison of global irradiance forecasting approaches. SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania), 2009.
  • F.Sallaberry, E.Mateu, R.Erice, R.Astiz, A.Garcia de Jalón, L.Ramirez, M.Sánch. «Towards the standardization of accelerating ageing test procedures for solar power concentrator reflectors». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania) 2009.
  • Gastón, M., Pagola, I., Fernández-Peruchena, C., Ramírez, L., Mallor, F. «A new adapative methodology of Global to Direct irradiance based on clustering and kernel machine techniques». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania) 2009.
  • Pagola, I. Gastón, M. Fernadez, C. Torres, J.L., Silva, M.A., Ramírez, L. «Comparison and fitting of several global to beam irradiance models in Spain». SolarPACES 2009, Berlin (Alemania), 2009.
  • Fernández-Peruchena, C., Ramirez, L., Pagola, I., Gastón, M., Moreno, S., Bernardos, A. «Assessment of models for estimation hourly irradiation series from monthly mean values». SolarPACES 2009 Berlin (Alemania), 2009.
  • Navarro, J., Murillo, M., Ezquer, M., Bengoechea, J., Turumbay, A., Rodriguez, M.J., Lagunas, A.R. «Characterization of ZnO: Al films deposited by RF and DC magnetrón sputtering. A comparative study». 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2009.
  • Petrina, I., Cueli,A.B., Díaz, J., Moracho, J., Ariztimuño, X., Lagunas, A.R. Challenges for IEC2108 Testing. 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2009.
  • Navarro, J., Murillo, M., Ezquer, M., Bengoechea, J., Turumbay, A., Rodriguez, M.J., Lagunas, A.R. «Characterization of ZnO: Al films deposited by RF and DC magnetrón sputtering. A comparative study». 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2009
  • Petrina, I., Cueli,A.B., Díaz, J., Moracho, J., Ariztimuño, X., Lagunas, A.R. «Challenges for IEC2108 Testing». 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2009.
  • Cabezón D., Sanz J., Martí I., Crespo A. «CFD modelling of the interaction between the Surface Boundary Layer and rotor wake. Comparison of results obtained with different turbulence models and mesh strategies», EWEC 2009 scientific proceedings, Marseille, France, March 2009.
  • Sanz J., Cabezón D., Lozano S., Martí I.» Parameterization of the atmospheric boundary layer for offshore wind resource assessment with a limited length-scale k-e model», EWEC 2009 scientific proceedings, Marseille, France, March 2009.
  • Vorpahl,F., Van Wingerde, A., Blunk, M., Busmann,H., Kleinhansl,S., Kossel, T., Kohlmeier, M., Böker, C., Kaufer, D., Azcona, J., Martinez, A. and Munduate, X. «Validation of a Finite Element Based Simulation Approach for Offshore Wind Turbines within IEA Wind Annex XXIII – Simulation Challenges and Results for a 5-MW Turbine on a Tripod Substructure» ISOPE09, 2009.
  • Gonzalez, A., Munduate, X., Garciandía, J. «Dystoll: a new tool for dynamic stall modelling based in the Beddoes-Leishman model». Poster for the EWEC, Marseille, France, 2009.
  • Munduate, X., González, A. 3D dynamic stall modelling on the NREL phase parked blade. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2009.
  • Nuin, I., Amézqueta, C., Trias, D., Estarriaga, J., Del Río, M., Fariñas, A.B.. «Fracture mechanics techniques for the design of structural components with adhesive joints for wind turbines». EWEC 2009.
  • Funcia, I., Iruretagoyena, F.J., Macaya, M., Echeverria, I.»Influence of transesterification procedure on Esteryl glycoside content and FPT in Biodiesel» Proceeding in the 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Hamburg 2009.
  • Aguado, M., Ayerbe, E., Azcárate, C., Blanco, R., Garde, R., Mallor, F., Rivas, D.M.» Economical assessment of a wind hydroghe software». International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 34, p. 2845-2854, 2009.
  • Gómez-Iradi S., Barakos G.N.and Munduate X. CFD Analysis of HAWT. “Validation of the WMB Method». Presentation at the bienal 9th German Wind Energy Conference at Bremen (Germany). 26-27/10 2008 DEWEK 2008.
  • Gomez-Iradi S. and  Barakos, G.N.“Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of Some Wind Turbine Rotor Design Parameters”.  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 222(5):455-470, 2008.
  • F. Sallaberry, A. García de Jalón, L. Ramirez, X. Olano, I. Bernad, R. Erice. Influencia de la distribución espectral de un simulador solar y de la radiación difusa exterior en la estimación del rendimiento óptico de un captador solar térmico, XIV Congreso Ibérico y IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar (CIES), 17-21 de Junio 2008, Vigo (España).
  • Iñigo Pagola, Martín Gastón, Lourdes Ramírez. Comparación de datos de radiación solar procedentes de bases de datos de acceso libre en emplazamientos concretos, Construyendo el futuro sostenible: libro de actas del XIV Congreso Ibérico y IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, 17-21 junio, 2008 Vigo, Galicia, España, Vol. 2/11191124.
  • Gastón, M., Pagola, I., Martí, I., Ramirez, L. «New developments on solar radiation forecasting at CENER». IEA-SHC Task 36 «Solar Resource Knowledge Management» 5th Experts Meeting Wels, Austria, 2008.
  • Pagola, I.; Ramirez, L. «Observed differences in the application of BSRN quality control procedures». IEA-SHC Task 36 «Solar Resource Knowledge Management» 5th Experts Meeting Wels, Austria , 2008.
  • Pagola, I., Gastón, M., Ramirez, L. «Comparison of several global-to-beam irradiance models in Spain». IEA-SHC Task 36 «Solar Resource Knowledge Management» 5th Experts MeetingWels, Austria 2008.
  • Ezquer, M., Zugasti, E., Cuadra, J.M., Murillo, M., Turumbay, A., Gavilanes, I., Lagunas, A.R. «Buckling test: a useful tool for a mechanical characterization of silicon wafers».23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Ezquer, M., Petrina, I., Cuadra, J.M., Lagunas, A.R. «Design of a special set-up for the I-V characterizagion of bifacial photovoltaic solar cells». 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Zugasti, E., Gavilanes, I., Ezquer, M., Turumbay, A., Rojo, G., Murillo, M., Cuadra, J. Manuel, Lagunas, A.R. «Transfer and Pick and Place Devices Silmulation for Thin Wafers». 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Ezquer, M., Zugasti, E., Cuadra, J.M., Murillo, M., Turumbay, A., I. Gavilanes, I., Lagunas, A.R. «Buckling test: a useful tool for a mechanical characterization of silicon wafers». 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, 2008.
  • Petrina, I., Cueli, A.B., Díaz, J., Moracho, J., Lagunas, A.R.»Adapting facilies for IEC62108 Testing» 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, 2008.
  • Ezquer, M., Zugasti, E., Cuadra, J.M., Murillo, M., Turumbay, A., Gavilanes, I., Lagunas, A.R.. «Buckling test: a useful tool for a mechanical characterization of silicon wafers».23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Ezquer, M., Petrina, I., Cuadra, J.M., Lagunas, A.R.» Design of a special set-up for the I-V characterizagion of bifacial photovoltaic solar cells». 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Ezquer, M., Petrina, I., Cuadra, J.M., Lagunas, A.R.» Design of a special set-up for the I-V characterizagion of bifacial photovoltaic solar cells». 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Zugasti, E., Gavilanes, I., Ezquer, M., Turumbay, A., Rojo, G., Murillo, M., Cuadra, J. Manuel, Lagunas, A.R. «Transfer and Pick and Place Devices Silmulation for Thin Wafers». 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2008.
  • Sanz J., Cabezón D., Martí I., Patilla P., van Beeck J., «Numerical CFD modelling of non-neutral atmospheric boundary layers for offshore wind resource assessment based on Monin-Obukhov theory», EWEC 2008 scientific proceedings, Brussels, Belgium, April 2008.
  • Barthelmie, R.J., Frandsen, S.T., Rathmann, O., Politis, E., Prospathpoulos, J., Rados, K., Hansen K., Cabezon D., Schlez W., Phillips, J., Neubert, A., van der Pijl, S. and Schepers, G. «Flow and wakes in large wind farms in complex terrain and offshore». European Wind Energy Conference, Brussels, March 2008.
  • Cabezón D., Sanz J., Martí I., Crespo A., «Validation of a CFD wake model based on the actuator disk technique and the thrust coefficient». Preliminary results. Proceedings of the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE), Magdeburg (Germany), 1-2 Oct 2008.
  • Barthelmie, R.J., Frandsen, S.T., Rathmann, O., Politis, E., Propspathpoulos, J., Rados, K., Hansen, K., Cabezon, D., Schlez, W., Phillips, J., Neubert, A., van der Pijl, S. and Schepers, G. «2008: Flow and wakes in large wind farms in complex terrain and offshore». American Wind Energy Association Conference, Houston, Texas, June 2008.
  • Barthelmie, R.J. Politis, E., Prospathopoulos, J., Frandsen, S.T., Rathmann, O., Hansen, K., van der Pijl, S., Schepers, G., Rados, K., Cabezón, D., Schlez, W., Phillips, J., Neubert, A. 2008: «Power losses due to wakes in large wind farms». World Renewable Energy Congress X, Glasgow, July 2008.
  • Celaya, J., Gil, J. «Evaluation of torrefaction and pelletization process to transform biomass in a biofuel suitable for co-combustion». Proceedings at the 16th European biomass Conference & Exhibition. Valencia, 2008.
  • Sánchez, D., Goñi I. and Gil, J.»New pilot plant for biomass treatment». Proceedings at the 16th European biomass Conference & Exhibition. Valencia, 2008.
  • Funcia. I. and Gil, J «Tar quantification method and its influence on the dew point calculation»». Proceedings at the 16th European biomass Conference & Exhibition. Valencia, 2008.
  • Del Campo Colmenar , I, Echeverría Goñi, I., Barado Pardo, I., Berlanga Labari, C., Fernández Carrasquilla, J. Estudio de Compatibilidad de Materiales Plásticos con mezclas de Bioetanol y Gasolina. XVII Congreso Nacional de ingeniería de Materiales, 2008.
  • Del Campo, I., Echeverría, I., Barado Pardo, I., Berlanga Labari, C., Fernandez Carrasquilla, J.»Estudio de compatibilidad de materiales plásticos con mezclas de bioetanol con gasolina». XVII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería de Materiales. Gijón, 2008.
  • Jimeno, J.C., Bueno, G., Lago, R., Freire, I., Pérez, L., Recart, F., Hoces, I., Azkona, N., Alonso, J., Sánchez-Friera, P., Glunz, S.W., Emanuel, G., Ruiz, R., Pohl, A., Wolke, W., Schubert, M., Gavilanes, I., Ezker, M., Zugasti, E., Turumbay, A., Sato, H., Bragagnolo, J., P. M. Nasch, P.M., Ostapenko, S., Belyaev, A., Dallas, W., Polupan, O., Albertsen, K., Shaikh, A., Kerp, H., Salami, J. «Low cost using ultra-thin bifacial cells». 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milan, 2007.
  • Cabezón D., Sanz J., Van Beeck J. «Sensitivity analysis on turbulence models for the ABL in complex terrain«, Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2007, , Milan (Italy), 7-10 May 2007
  • Cabezón D., Martí I. «A methodology for estimating wind farm production through CFD codes: description and validation», Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2007, Milan (Italy), 7-10 May 2007.
  • Barthelmie R., Schepers G., «Flow and Wakes in complex terrain and offshore. Model development and verification in UPWIND», Proceeding sof the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2007, Milan (Italy), 7-10 May 2007.
  • Barthelmie, R.J., Rathmann, O., Frandsen, S.T., Hansen, K., Politis, E., Prospathopoulos, J., Rados, K., Cabezon, D., Schlez, W., Phillips, J., Neubert, A., Schepers, J.G. and van der Piljl, S., «Rados 2007: Modelling and measurements of wakes in large offshore wind farms», Conference on the science of making torque from wind, Danish Technical University. Journal of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 75., August 2007.
  • Jonkman, J., Butterfield, S., Passon, P., T. Larsen, T., T. Camp, J. Nichols, J. Azcona, A. Martínez. «Offshore code comparision collaboration within IEA Wind Annex XXIII: Phase II Results regarding monopile foundation modeling». EOW 2007.
  • Gonzalez, A., Munduate, X. «Tree-dimensional and rotational aerodynamics on the NREL phase VI wind turbine blade». 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2007.
  • Gonzalez, A., Munduate, X. «Experimental analysis of dynamic stall on the NREL phase VI parked blade». IEA Annex XX, 2007.
  • Gonzalez, A., Munduate, X. «Unsteady modelling of the oscillating S809 airfoil NREL phase parked blade using the beddoes-Leishman dynamic stall model». The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Lyngby, Denmark. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 75, 2007.
  • Gonzalez, A., Munduate, X. «Three-dimensional and rotational aerodynamis on the NREL phase VI wind turbine blade». 26th AIAA/ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Reno, NV, January 8-11, 2007. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. V. 130, N. 3. 2008 Transactions of the ASME / 031008-1-7, 2007.
  • Zazpe, M., Alegría, I., Del Campo, I., Zarranz, B., Molinero, A., Carrillo, E., Navarro, P., A. Romo, A., Echeverria, I. «On the Way to Biorefinery Concept: Double Revaluation of Agrifood Wastes for High Added Value compounds Extraction and Bioethanol Production». 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Berlin, 2007.
  • Zazpe, M., Alegría, I., Del Campo, I., Zarranz, B., Molinero, A., Carrillo, E., Navarro, P., Romo, A., Echeverría, I.»On the way to biorefinery concept: double revaluation of agrifood wastes for high added value compounds extraction and bioethanol production». 29th Symphosium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Denver (EE.UU.), 2007.
  • Gómez Jimenez, M. I., Veit, J., Tzanakaki, E., Manteca González, F., Budweg, A., Díaz Regodón, I.»Estrategia de Rehabilitación con criterios de ahorro energético de la vivienda social en Europa –Proyecto Nirsepes». Congreso: CICS_2007: Congreso Internacional de Construcción Sostenible. Sevilla, 21-23 de noviembre Publicado en Libro de comunicaciones libres, 2007.