- Müller, K., Sandner, F., Bredmose, H., Azcona, J., Manjock, A., & Pereira, R. (2014). Improved tank test procedures for scaled floating offshore wind turbines. International Wind Engineering Conference IWEC 2014.
- Llorente, E., Gorostidi, A., Jacobs, M., Timmer, W. A., Munduate, X., & Pires, O. (2014). Wind Tunnel Tests of Wind Turbine Airfoils at High Reynolds Numbers. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 524, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.
- Amezqueta, C. CENER activities within the SP Structural design & materials. 2014 IRPWind / EERA JPWind Conference.
- Carrion, M., Steijl, R., Barakos, G. N., Gomez-Iradi, S., & Munduate, X. (2014). Coupled CFD/CSD method for wind turbines. Proceedings of WCCM XI/ECCM V/ECFD VI.
- Méndez, B., Munduate, X., & San Miguel, U. (2014). Airfoil family design for large offshore wind turbine blades. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 524, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.
- Robertson, A., Jonkman, J., Vorpahl, F., Popko, W., Qvist, J., Frøyd, L., Azcona, J… & Luan, C. (2014, June). Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation within IEA wind task 30: phase II results regarding a floating semisubmersible wind system. In ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (pp. V09BT09A012-V09BT09A012). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Riveros-Rosas D., Monreal A., Pagola I., Sanchez M. Análisis del costo de energía final de hornos solares para aplicaciones industriales en sitios específicos, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Riveros-Rosas D., Arancibia-Bulnes C.A., Sanchez M., Ramirez F.J. Análisis de distancias focales de heliostatos para modelación de sistemas de torre central, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- A. Mutuberria , J. Pascual, M. V. Guisado, F. Mallor, Comparison of heliostat field layout design methodologies and impact on power plant efficiency, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Villasante C., Olabarrieta E., Burisch M., Santana I., «Correlación teórico-experimental de cargas de viento en heliostatos de dimensiones reducidas», ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro.
- Sallaberry F., Sanchez M., Fernández-Reche J., Gomez J.A., Martin C., Santamaría P., Terradillos J., Ubach J. , Resumen de las actividades de desarrollo de normas españolas para la energía solar de concentración, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Pagola I., Peruchena C.F., Gastón M., Bernardos A. Estimación de la radiación solar en América del Sur a partir de imágenes del satélite GOES y de modelos numéricos de predicción meteorológica. ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Vera, J., Sallaberry, F. Comparative analysis of domestic water heating thermosiphon systems tested according to the standard ISO 9549-2, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Sallaberry, F., Alberti, F., Torres, J.L. Crema, L. Characterizacion of a medium temperatura concentrator for process heat – tracking error estimation, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Sallaberry, F., Pujol, R., García de Jalón, A. Direct tracking error estimation on a 1-axis solar tracker, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Zaversky, F., Sallaberry, F., Vázquez, A., Morris, D., Mazo, MA., Tamayo, A., Casasola Ríos, R., Rodríguez Cortés, JA. Innovative and advanced materials research for high temperature solar receivers, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Montecchi , M., Delord, C., Raccurt, O., Disdier, A., Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A. Fernández -García, S. Meyen, Happich, C., Heimsath, A., Platzer, W. Hemispherical Reflectance Results of the SolarPACES Reflectance Round Robin, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A., Zaversky, F., Velzquez, A., López Delgado, A., Rubio, J., Tamayo, A. Towards standard testing materials for high temperature solar receivers , 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- García, L., Burisch, M., Sanchez, M.«Spillage estimation in a heliostats field for solar field optimization», 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Peña-Cruz , M.I, Sallaberry, F., Arancibia-Bulnes, C. A., Gaston, M.and Sánchez González, M The FOCuS tool – An optical qualification tool developed for solar reflectors- A sensitivity analysis, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Burisch, M., Santana, I., Sanchez, M., Villasante, C., Olabarrieta, E. Experimental Validation of Theoretical Heliostat Wind Loads, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Samanes, J., García-Barberena, J., Zaversky, F.. Modeling Solar Cavity Receivers: a Review and Comparison of Natural Convection Heat Loss Correlations, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Garcia de Jalon, A., Benito, P., Perez, D. Inspection Receiver Tubes Device for CSP plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China).
- Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A. Generating 1-minute Temporal Resolution Solar Direct Normal Irradiance Series from Hourly Series, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., Guisado, M.V. Assessing the Solar Irradiance Variability and its Impact in Solar Energy Production, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A. , Pagola, I. y col. Estimating Solar Radiation in South America from Satellite Images, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Hernandez, I., Zaversky, F., Astrain, D. Object-oriented modeling of molten-salt-based thermocline thermal energy storage for the transient performance simulation of solar thermal power plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Burisch, M., Santana, I., Sanchez, M., Villasante, C., Olabarrieta, E. –Experimental Validation of Theoretical Heliostat Wind Loads, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Fernández Boneta, M., M. Díaz Reogodón, I. Proyectos para realizar la transición de edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo en Europa. Comunicación Proyecto ENTRANZE, 2014. • II Congreso EECN (Madrid, 6-7 mayo 2014)
- Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., Pagola I. y col. Estimating Solar Radiation in South America from Satellite Images, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., Guisado, M.V. Assessing the Solar Irradiance Variability and its Impact in Solar Energy Production, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Fernández Peruchena, C., Bernardos, A., y col. Generating 1-minute Temporal Resolution Solar Direct Normal Irradiance Series from Hourly Series, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Garcia de Jalon, A., Pablo Benito, David Perez. Inspection Receiver Tubes Device for CSP plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China).
- García, L., Michael Burisch, Marcelino Sanchez – Spillage estimation in a heliostats field for solar field optimization, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Hernandez, I., Zaversky,F., Astrain, D. Object-oriented modeling of molten-salt-based thermocline thermal energy storage for the transient performance simulation of solar thermal power plants, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Kranzla, L. Bogdan Atanasiub, Fernández Boneta, M., Veit Bürgerd, Tanja Kenkmannd, A., Müllera, Agne Toleikytea, L. Paglianoe, M. Pietrobone, R. Armani. NZEB Renovation in the Building Stock: Policies, Impact and Economics. WSED, Wels (28 de febrero 2014)
- M. Montecchi , C. Delord, O. Raccurt, A. Disdier, F. Sallaberry, A. García. de Jalón, A. Fernández -García, S. Meyen, C. Happich, A. Heimsath, W. Platzer, Hemispherical Reflectance Results of the SolarPACES Reflectance Round Robin, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Mentesidi and Monica Aguado. Dynamic behavior analysis of distributed generation in an off-grid network with power system simulator for engineering (PSS/E). IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2014: Cavtat, Croatia, May, 2014
- Mentesidi, Evangelos Rikos, Vasilis Kleftakis, Panos Kotsampopoulos, Mikel Santamaria, Monica Aguado. Implementation of a Microgrid model for DER Integration in Real time Simulation Platform Contribution: Oral Presentation. 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2014). IEEE Xplore. Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2014
- Mentesidi, Monica Aguado, Fatima Zahra Harmousch, and Khalid Loudiyi.Title: A PV and CSP integration study experience in a Mediterranean Partner Country 4th Solar Integration Workshop. Berlin, Germany. November, 2014
- Mutuberria , J. Pascual, M. V. Guisado, F. Mallor, Comparison of heliostat field layout design methodologies and impact on power plant efficiency, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Pagola I., Peruchena C.F., Gastón M., Bernardos A. Estimación de la radiación solar en América del Sur a partir de imágenes del satélite GOES y de modelos numéricos de predicción meteorológica, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Peña-Cruz , M.I., Fabienne Sallaberry, Camilo A. Arancibia-Bulnes, Martin Gaston and Marcelino Sánchez González, The FOCuS tool – An optical qualification tool developed for solar reflectors- A sensitivity analysis, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Riveros-Rosas D., Arancibia-Bulnes C.A., Sanchez M., Ramirez F.J. Análisis de distancias focales de heliostatos para modelación de sistemas de torre central, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Riveros-Rosas D., Monreal A., Pagola I., Sanchez M. Análisis del costo de energía final de hornos solares para aplicaciones industriales en sitios específicos, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Sallaberry F., Sanchez M., Fernández-Reche J., Gomez J.A., Martin C., Santamaría P., Terradillos J., Ubach J. , Resumen de las actividades de desarrollo de normas españolas para la energía solar de concentración, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (México).
- Sallaberry, F., Alberti, F., Luis Torres, J.L., Crema, L. Characterizacion of a medium temperatura concentrator for process heat – tracking error estimation, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Sallaberry, F., Pujol, R., García de Jalón, A. Direct tracking error estimation on a 1-axis solar tracker, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Sallaberry, F., Alberto García de Jalón, Fritz Zaversky, Velzquez, A.J., López Delgado, A., Rubio, J., Tamayo, A. Towards standard testing materials for high temperature solar receivers, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Samanes, J., García-Barberena, J. Zaversky, F. Modeling Solar Cavity Receivers: a Review and Comparison of Natural Convection Heat Loss Correlations, 20th SolarPACES Conference, September 16-19 2014, Beijing (China)
- Vera, J., Lillo, I., Fabienne Sallaberry, F. Comparative analysis of domestic water heating thermosiphon systems tested according to the standard ISO 9549-2, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)
- Villasante C., Olabarrieta E., Burisch M., Santana I., Correlación teórico-experimental de cargas de viento en heliostatos de dimensiones reducidas, ANES – ISES, XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, October 6-10 2014, Querétaro (mexica).
- Zaversky, F., Sallaberry, F., Vázquez, A., Morris, D., M. Mazo,A., Tamayo, A., Casasola Ríos, R., Rodríguez Cortés, J.A., Innovative and advanced materials research for high temperature solar receivers, EUROSUN International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, September 16-19, 2014, Aix-les-Bains (France)